Natural Resources

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The Burns Paiute Natural Resources Department was created to protect and enhance fish and wildlife, to prevent further resource losses that impact traditional land uses, to ensure environmental standards on the reservation are met, and to provide training and employment opportunities for Burns Paiute Tribal Members.

The Malheur River Subbasin is culturally important to the Burns Paiute Tribe (BPT), and protecting/restoring native species and associated habitat are key to sustaining its importance.  A primary focus of our Fisheries Program is to restore ESA-listed bull trout populations and their associated habitat. Non-native brook trout are a limiting factor to bull trout recovery due to resource competition and hybridization. Subsequently, suppression efforts were initiated in the Upper Malheur River in 2010 to reduce or eliminate brook trout populations.

For more in-depth information on our Fisheries Program, please visit our other website:

The goals of the Logan Valley and Malheur River wildlife mitigation projects are to implement habitat protection and enhancement efforts for plant communities to support diverse fish and wildlife assemblages. Management goals include: 1) improving water quality, 2) enhancing upland, wetland, floodplain meadow and riparian habitats, 3) controlling noxious weeds, 4) protecting springs and seeps, 5) managing grazing on the Bureau of Land Management and Department of State Lands allotments to meet wildlife objectives, and 6) preserving cultural resources; and providing public hunting and recreation opportunities.

Protecting the land, air and water are important goals for the Environmental Department.  We monitor and manage the environmental health and quality of the Reservation; this includes surface and ground water quality testing, managing solid waste, and illegal dump cleanup and many other important environmental duties throughout properties owned and managed by the Burns Paiute Tribe.

Matthew Hanneman – Wildlife Program Manager

My name is Matthew Hanneman, and I am the Wildlife Program Manager for the Burns Paiute Tribe. On any given day you can expect to find me checking nest boxes for American Kestrels and Mountain Bluebirds, counting Sage-Grouse on their leks at the crack of dawn, or behind a pair of binoculars observing the many birds and other wildlife of eastern Oregon. I have a passion for wildlife conservation, and I’m very proud and excited to be in this role.

Collin Williams - Wildlife Biologist

My name is Collin Williams, I am the Wildlife Biologist. I get to help improve native plant communities for wildlife habitat. I love spending time outside and in nature. I love hiking, hunting, and fishing. I am passionate about the conservation of our natural resources so that others can enjoy them far into the future. 

Rhonda Holtby - NR Administrative Assistant

My name is Rhonda Holtby and I have been working with Natural Resources since 2019. I love to visit the coast, explore our beautiful lands, gather native foods, and gardening!


Ehsu Namabitsiano!

Andrew L. Beers, Environmental Tech

Burns Paiute Tribe Member

Environmental Tech / Natural Resources

Water Quality-Air Quality-Recycling-Solid Waste Management Team


Hello my name is Andrew L. Beers. I have been working for the Burns Paiute Natural Resources/ EPA Department since 2013. I enjoy hunting, fishing, and coaching youth basketball.

TitleJob TitleEmailPhoneCell Phone
Brandon HaslickFishery Program Manager[email protected]541-573-8084
Jason FentonEnvironmental Manager[email protected]541-573-8020
Lucas SamorSite Manager[email protected]541-277-3375
JonesboroManager's House541-277-3375
Andrew BeersEnvironmental Technician[email protected]541-573-8022
Matthew HannemanWildlife Program Manager[email protected]541-573-8019
Collin WilliamsWildlife Biologist[email protected]541-573-8086
Trey WallNatural Resources Director[email protected]541-573-8021
Rhonda HoltbyAdministrative Assistant[email protected]541-573-8087
Zachary AdamsLead Tech[email protected]

Contact Info

71210 Foley Drive

Burns, OR 97720

Phone: (541) 573-1375

Fax: (541) 573-2323


EPA Office

71210B Foley Drive

Burns, OR 97720

(541) 573-8020


Main Ranch Bunk House

Jonesboro, 5105 Highway 20 East

Juntura, OR 97911


Ranch Manager House

Jonesboro, 5106 Highway 20 East

Juntura, OR 97911